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Try all features free for 14 days.

Get started in minutes, no credit card needed, free support.

  • Store unlimited ingredients
    Include wastage
    Categorise ingredients
    Add measurements
    Add recipes as ingredients

  • Unlimited recipes
    Add images
    Cost your recipes
    Add recipes as ingredients
    Add your selling price, taxes and see your profit
    Print or easily share recipes with others

  • Create and easily manage set menus
    Add recipes to see your menu cost, price per person and profit

  • Add supplier information
    Easily manage stocktake

  • We can help you set up your account
    Free support

Get started for free

and then only $46/month

OR $470 if you pay for a year (Save $82)

Did you know? We can set up your account for you.

We can enter all your ingredients into Chef Notepad including category, supplier, price, wastage and different measurements. We guarantee 100% privacy and confidentiality on any information shared.

This is a fantastic way to get started quickly and efficiently.